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Team Tech


Updated meeting times: Tuesdays @6:10pm in 192-132

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Team Tech is an interdisciplinary competition design team that goes through the engineering design process of a project from start to finish. We are so excited to be working with Boeing this year on a cabin turnaround robot. We are looking for more members to join our team and help with building the robot. We are also looking for anyone with software and electronic experience to help lead a subgroup!

Meetings are Tuesday's at 6:10 PM in 192-0132. Please feel free to reach out to with any questions or more information!

Current Projct

Current Project


Project summary:

The Cabin Turnaround Robotic System will be an in-cabin robot that airlines and private aircraft owners use during cabin turnaround operations. Currently, cabin turnaround operations are labor-intensive with tasks that include the disinfection of passenger seating areas and the removal of trash. The objective of Team Tech’s project is to reduce turnaround time and/or labor costs without while not hindering other turnaround operations, such as the blocking of the aisle for extended periods of time. This system aims at improving the efficiency of cabin turnaround operations, while also reducing the intense physical labor and hazardous situations that cabin cleaning crew have to undergo in a short period of time.


Updates on current project:

Currently, Team Tech is in the build phase of the engineering design process after completing the research and design phase. We are continuing to work closely with our Boeing industry sponsors, and are meeting regularly with the team to create a project that we are proud to present at the National SWE Conference.
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