Spring SWE Welcome

Cal Poly Society of Women Engineers is hosting Spring SWE Welcome on April 10th 2025 - April 11th 2025. This opportunity allows admitted women and other underrepresented genders in STEM the chance to become more familiar with the community and environment found at Cal Poly. Students will get to stay overnight in the dorms, shadow Cal Poly students in their classes and day life, and meet other admitted students. Students also get to participate in bonding activities and get any college questions answered.
If you have any questions please email cpswehsoutreach@gmail.com. We hope to see you there!

“Cal Poly was the only school to offer an overnight opportunity which helped me make my decision by relieving some of the "unknown" stress involved with choosing a school.”
“I loved how friendly and transparent all of the SWE members were. It really made me feel like I have a place here to make a difference in the future.”
“I hadn't really thought about the gender disparity in Engineering, and in my major of mechanical engineering that much, but the Women in Engineering events reassured doubts I subconsciously had about belonging. It was good to see, hear from, and be surrounded by women in engineering before the general open house welcome for the College of Engineering, where the gender gap was really obvious in looking around the audience.”