On November 16th, Cal Poly SWE hosted 27 elementary and middle students as well as 13 parents, supporters, and coaches for our 2nd annual VEX IQ Central Coast Workshop. With the growth of competing VEX IQ teams in Central California, this workshop provided students an opportunity to learn basic engineering concepts, build and program their robots with Cal Poly students as mentors, and obtain and practice soft skills such as presentation and documentation.
The students started in the judging and presentation skills session where they learned interviewing and documentation skills. They also created mock-ups of their own Internet of Things (IoT) inventions and were able to present their product and design process to the volunteers. During this session, the coaches and supporters were participating in PEP, Parent & Educators Program, which informed them on how to encourage their students to be excited about engineering. After this, the students participated in an engineering activity where they learned about soldering and circuits and put together a small light-up robot using a Lily Pad, LEDs, soldering, and laser-cut body and head parts. Additionally, they had the chance to debug their robot with the help of Cal Poly’s VEX U team. We ended the workshop with a coding session where we introduced the teams to VEXCode and had them build and debug a sample program for their robots. Overall, the students were very enthusiastic about the different activities and we are thrilled to support their learning again next year!